Marketing Ethics

Marketing ethics is “defined as the systematic study of how moral standards are applied to marketing decisions, behaviors and institutions (Laczniak & Murphy, 1993)” (as cited in Laczniak and Murphy, 2019, p. 401).

A focus on marketing ethics allows students to cultivate their ability to think critically. It also pushes students to strengthen their capacity to identify marketing dilemmas and work towards cultivating solutions to them.

Key Readings

  1. Shelby D. Hunt and Scott Vitell. A general theory of marketing ethics. Journal of Macromarketing, 6(1):5–16, 1986. URL:

  2. Gene R. Laczniak and Patrick E. Murphy. The role of normative marketing ethics. Journal of Business Research, 95:401–407, 2019.

  3. Patrick E. Murphy and Gene R. Laczniak. Marketing Ethics: Cases and Readings. Pearson, 2006.